The future part of the Brickline Greenway which passes by the Griot Museum

The future part of the Brickline Greenway which passes by the Griot Museum.

Great Rivers Greenway’s Brickline Greenway project got another boost this week. This major public-private partnership will link historic Fairground Park, Forest Park, Tower Grove Park and Gateway Arch National Park and hundreds of destinations in between with safe, paved pathways. The initiative, launched with an international design competition in 2017 and celebrated the grand opening of the Pillars of the Valley monument earlier this year, has secured significant funding from the State of Missouri Capital Improvement Budget for 2024.

“This $15 million investment provides powerful momentum for the Brickline Greenway, which has been envisioned with input from thousands of residents, businesses and organizations who understand how civic infrastructure boosts the economy of our city and our state,” said Susan Trautman, Great Rivers Greenway CEO. 

On the heels of a prominent feature in the New York Times, the signing of House Bill 19 adds to the attention Brickline Greenway is earning as an essential part of St. Louis’ future. The report shows the urban greenway will ultimately create shared prosperity for neighborhoods and boost the local economy with upwards of $462 million invested in construction, operations and maintenance—a 2:1 return on investment.

The total project budget is $245 million, with nearly 40% of that already secured through a diversity of sources, including $28 million in federal grants; $15 million from the State of Missouri; a recent $2 million in Missouri state tax credits to incentivize further private donations; $15 million from Great Rivers Greenway’s local tax dollars; $2 million from the City of St. Louis to fund improvements on North Grand; and more than $36 million in corporate and private gifts from early investors such as Edward Jones and the Berges Family Foundation.

Currently, two segments are complete, three more are being designed with community engagement, and several more are in planning. Brickline Greenway construction will continue through 2030.

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